Bill Mollison

David Holmgren

Permaworld was originally created to be a fundraising program for Permaculture programs and teachers of Permaculture. We have so far donated over US$30,000,00 to Permaculture International in Australia and support other Permaculture initiatives around the world. We actively support and promote Permaculture wherever and however we can.

Permaculture is a design system for creating sustainable human environments. It is one of the most holistic, integrated design methodologies found in the world today and linked by the ethics of:

 Caring for the earth

 Caring for people

blue_square Sharing Resources (to achieve these aims)

Such a definition implies that permaculture is active in a broad range of areas. These include:

blue_square Community and rural land design

blue_square Food production and distribution systems

blue_square Overseas development aid

blue_square Organic farming and sustainable agriculture

blue_square Productive ecosystems

blue_square Community economics

blue_square Town planning

blue_square Community development

blue_square Urban agriculture

blue_square Education and media

The 1970's sees the beginnings of Permaculture

The permaculture design system, devised by scientist Dr Bill Mollison and environmental designer David Holmgren in the 1970's has now expanded into many countries around the world.

Permaculture (permanent agriculture / permanent culture) is "consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs".

Permanent agriculture - permanent culture

The people, their buildings and the ways in which they organize themselves are central to permaculture. Thus the permaculture vision of permanent (sustainable) agriculture has evolved into one of permanent (sustainable) culture.

Permaculture is also a worldwide network and movement of individuals and groups working in both rich and poor countries on all continents. Largely unsupported by government or business, these people are contributing to a sustainable future by reorganising their life and work around permaculture design principles. In this way they are creating small local changes but ones which are directly and indirectly influencing action in the wider environment, including the growing popularity of organic agriculture, the increasing use of environmentally friendly technology, the development of sustainable communities based on local food economies and the generation of other movements for a sustainable world.

A richer place for future generations

Permaculture is a way of life which shows us how to make the most of our resources by minimizing waste and maximizing potential. Living ecologically doesn't mean giving everything up but, instead, relearning the value of nature and understanding new ways of being wealthy. It is the conscious design of a lifestyle which is highly productive, yet does not cause environmental damage. A lifestyle, moreover, which is increasingly being recognised as an imperative since, in reality, it is the only way to meet our basic needs and still leave the Earth a richer place for future generations.

A primary focus of the Permaworld Foundation since it's beginnings in 2001 is the promotion and support of Permaculture educational programs which teach it's principles and practical applications to a broader international audience.

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